Rebuilt website on new CMS. Responsive email development. Facebook apps.

Lead Developer · 2014 - 2016


Overhauled Chasing Fireflies website, emails, and apps.



Conducted website audit. Rebuilt Chasing Fireflies on a new CMS with a new design and SEO in mind. Optimized website for the search engines. Ran email campaigns and built email templates. Built Facebook apps.



Built a new responsive website. Rebuilt all emails into responsive email templates. Built social media apps, ran contests, and more.


hsn slider

As the Lead Developer, I worked closely with the design department to incorporate designs into the web. Prior to my onboarding, HSN used only images and image mapping links on their website, emails, and apps. This was a big "no no" in my book. Especially if you’re trying to rank well in the search engines.

I suggested code instead of images, as well as pointing out the benefits of switching the approach. All updates were made using code moving forward. In addition to regular website updates and code cleanup, moved to a new CMS, replacing the outdated platform.

Building the new website proved to be challenging due to the CMS being a proprietary system to HSN with little documentation. Even still we were able to complete the project and launch the new website on time.

Apps & Contests

Social media is a big part of Chasing Fireflies marketing. I successfully built contests, games, and other apps that showed up on social networks to attract users.

CF Facebook App
Memory Game

Responsive Emails

Chasing Fireflies sent out several email campaigns each day. This created the need for two to three unique emails being created each day. To make things easier and more efficient, I built email templates with widgets to streamline the process. This cut production time by 90% as the email structure no longer had to be built from scratch each time. Below you will find a few email examples.

email 1 email 2

email 3 email 4

email 5 email 6
If you are looking for an innovative, cutting edge website, contact me now. I’m available.